Powerful Healing

The most common question we get is, “what does it work for?”  Our answer is “everything we’ve tried!”  Soothe “N Heal was designed to heal everyday injuries such as cuts and insect bites.  But as more and more people reported back, we were delighted to hear that it worked wonders for things that had never occurred to us.  Here is a list of ailments where users have reported dramatic results:

  • Cold sores
  • Acne and old acne scarring
  • Cracked heels
  • Hemorrhoids (yep, we never saw that one coming)
  • Burn blisters
  • Eczema and other skin rashes
  • Bites and stings
  • Diaper rash
  • Childbirth tearing and relief from nursing soreness
  • Bruises, sprains, and broken bones
  • 2nd degree sunburn
  • Radiation burns
Here are some of the real-life responses we have received:
“I use the balm on any scrapes, cuts, burns…basically anything. Diaper rash? Check. Sore nose from the dry winter? Check. Cold sore?  Yep works on that too. My husband’s deformed/splitting/cracking/painful/damaged thumb nails from a childhood accident?  The “green cream” as we call it helped tremendously.  It is a cure-all!”  Lindsay


“My mom is currently undergoing chemotherapy, her skin is very sensitive, dry and cracked.  I wanted to tell you that your balm has worked miracles.  Thank you so much, it really is magic!” Jennette


“We used your balm from a friend when my son had a rash across his entire neck and NOTHING would stop it. It would make him cry for hours and he couldn’t stop scratching it. We put it on that night and he didn’t wake up at all.  Next morning, gone. We bought a jar the next day. Thank you so much!”  Marie


“I finally got my hands on some balm on Monday and started using it on my 3 appendicitis surgery scars. They look so much better already! It’s crazy! And I had been using another organic balm and Vit e oil every day previous to this. I’m super impressed with the way this balm is working.”  Estee

“This stuff is excellent on hemorrhoids. I had never had them until after this last baby came. I don’t know what I would have done without this stuff. We use it on every cut, scrape, burn, rash… It’s awesome. Last time I only ordered 2. This time I ordered 5 so I don’t run out.  It is the best all purpose stuff around.”  Tammy